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The GSSC High Ability Program was introduced at Year 9 in 2024 and due to its success, the program is being expanded to Year 7 students in 2025.

The High Ability Program is designed for students who would gain from further challenges in critical thinking and collaboration. Following the Year 7 and 9 curriculum and adopting 21st century learning techniques, this program will allow students to delve deeper into subject areas as they edge towards their senior secondary schooling years.

Year 7 students in the program will be placed in a core class together, which they will continue in through Years 7, 8 and 9. This will provide students an opportunity to learn and grow with like-minded peers and set themselves up for the rigour of senior secondary school.

Current Year 8 GSSC students who are successful in gaining a place into the program during 2025 will be required to move into a new class and join 9H in Kiewa House in the Dharnya Neighbourhood.

Applications for the 2025 program are now open. Register your interest here: 

Year 7 2025 -

Year 9 2025 -

Applications close on Friday August 16.

Further information about the assessment for entry and next steps is available under latest news:

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen in the assessment?
Students will need to arrive at the GSSC main office at 9.00am for a 9.30am start. Parents/guardians are asked to return to the main office to collect their child at 11.45am.

The first section of the assessment is a General Ability Test, consisting of 30 to 40 questions. This is a 50-minute test.

Students are assessed on their ability to reason, make logical deductions, identify connections and spot patterns.

Students must think critically to solve simple, multi-step and non-routine problems.

Following this, students will be given a break before undertaking a 35-minute critical thinking test and a 25-minute e-Write test.

What can my child do to prepare for the assessment?

The assessment does not require any prior knowledge from any particular content area.

The General Ability Test includes engaging questions that encourage students to think outside the box. The aim is to assess beyond the curriculum, enabling students to demonstrate their full range of abilities and skills that will be required as part of the Years 7 and 9 High Ability Program.

The eWrite test will look at students writing and literacy skills while the Critical Reasoning test will assesses a fundamental subset of the skills that constitute critical thinking, namely those that relate to the analysis and evaluation of ideas and arguments.  

What does my child need to bring to the assessment?

Laptops will be provided by GSSC for students to complete testing online and expectations of students are similar to those in exams.

Students may wish to bring a notebook, dictionary and stationery including grey lead pencils, a sharpener, eraser and highlighters, however these are not required and would only be used for their own note taking. Stationery needs to be placed in a clear container, such as a zip lock bag.

Electronic devices including mobile phones, AirPods/headphones, iPads and tablets, personal laptops and smart watches / fitness trackers are not permitted.

If your child needs to bring a mobile phone, they will be asked to hand this in prior to the assessment and this will be provided at the end of the test.

There will be a short break so students may wish to bring a light snack and a water bottle.

What if I can’t make either dates for the assessment?

We have provided two dates to offer as much flexibility as possible to families. September 15 is a Sunday during Term 3, while September 23 is the first Monday of the school holidays.

If your child is interested in being a part of this program, please make every effort to make yourself available for one of these dates.

If in extenuating circumstances you can not attend either of these dates, please reach out to Stacie Lundberg, Assistant Principal Curriculum and Pedagogy: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We cannot guarantee the possibility of additional dates or times for testing.

What happens after the assessment?

Based on assessment results, GSSC will shortlist students and make final selections through a cross-reference with data from primary schools and Year 8, including results from NAPLAN, Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT testing) and effort and attitude comments in Semester Reports. 

When completing the Expression of Interest form, you will be asked to provide your consent for GSSC to liaise with your child’s primary school to access this data.

From here, 25 students will be selected to take part in the program at each year level. Letters of offer will be emailed to families by October 25. Families need to accept their place in the program by Friday, November 1.

What is the point of difference with the High Ability Program?

The High Ability Program is designed for students who would gain from further challenges in critical thinking and collaboration. Following the Year 7 curriculum and adopting 21st century learning techniques, this program will allow students to delve deeper into subject areas as they move through their junior secondary schooling years.

It is aimed to prepare students for the rigor of senior secondary school and the supplementary skills that are taught will support students wishing to apply to fast-track subjects in Years 10 and 11.

The added benefit of this program for Year 7 students is that students will remain with these same group of students through Years 7, 8 and 9 as part of their core class. At Year 7 and Year 9, this program places students together who are of similar academic abilities and who are looking for an extra challenge in their learning.

High Ability Program teaching staff have also undertaken additional professional learning to lead these classes.  

How do I know if this program is right for my child?

Your child’s academic achievements during primary school should provide you with an indication on whether the High Ability Program will be a good fit. If your child has consistently performed above standard or thrives on being challenged, then this program may provide them with the extension required to support them on this trajectory.

If you are unsure, your best port of call would be to speak with your child’s current teacher.

For incoming Year 7 students

Will my child still attend classes with friends from their primary school?

This position overrides our usual process of class allocations, including student friendships and siblings within the school. However, as part of this program your student will be part of our Biyala Neighbourhood (House to be confirmed). Within this Neighbourhood and House, your child is likely to have a friend, as well as in their elective subjects in future years.

Our vertical Home Groups also provide another opportunity for students to meet with their peers from across different year levels and to get to know students within their house.

During recess and lunchtimes, students are free to catch-up with their friends and there’s plenty to do. We have three canteens (one in each neighbourhood), four basketball courts, a volleyball court, outdoor table tennis, a large oval and beautiful courtyards, gardens and outdoor seating for students to eat and spend time together. We also run a program of clubs and activities during recess, lunchtime and after school. There are more than 20 clubs to choose from including the Anime, Garden, Board Games, Dungeons and Dragons, Book, Camera, eSports and Karate Clubs.

Our three neighbourhood libraries are also open at various recess and lunchtimes throughout the week for students seeking some quiet or downtime.

Throughout the year, there will also be many opportunities for Year 7s to come together, such as at our Big Day Out excursions, at sports days and whole school assemblies and celebrations.

If my child is not placed with friends, how will I know they’re supported?

We will make every effort to ensure your child feels supported in their transition to secondary school. During Terms 3 and 4 we have an extensive transition program, which allows students many opportunities to come into the school, to get a feel for our campus, structure and to meet key staff and fellow peers.

In addition to the Statewide Transition Day on Tuesday, December 10, we are also looking to host a welcome evening specifically for High Ability Program families. This will allow students and families to meet each other, as well as key program staff. Here we will take families through the expectations and structure for 2025.

Your child will still have access to the same staff as their peers. This includes their Home Group teacher who they will start each day and their House Leader who they can go to with any general concerns. Our friendly Neighbourhood Reception staff will also greet your child at the beginning and end of each day and can help with anything from checking classes, to finding out information and contacting home.

In addition to this, your child will be supported by a Years 7 to 9 Sub-School Leader and a Neighbourhood Principal. These staff are leaders within the College, assigned specifically to your child’s neighbourhood.