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At the GSSC, students experience the first-class sporting, technology, science and arts facilities of a large, modern school, with the benefit of learning, socialising and receiving support in “House” communities.

House Model is Home

GSSC’s nine Houses are named after iconic rivers in our region: Murray, Lachlan, Ovens, Goulburn, Campaspe, Kiewa, Warrego, Murrumbidgee and Loddon. Each House also has its own distinct colour, reproduced in carpet, furniture and corridors, to build a sense of belonging.

Each House is a self-contained smaller school with its own classrooms, collaborative study areas, student lockers and amenities. No more than 300 students form a House, which is in turn comprised of up to 50 students from each year level (Years 7-12).

The House model makes it easy for students to get to know one another and for teachers and support staff to build relationships with students and families. For many Year 7 students, their House in secondary school will be smaller than the primary school they came from.

Knowing Your Neighbours

Just like in the wider community, a student’s Neighbourhood helps to develop a close-knit feel and give students opportunities to connect with family members and friends.

The three Houses that make up a Neighbourhood share a common area with a range of learning and support services for our students:

  • a canteen
  • a learning resource centre (library)
  • science, design and technology, food technology, visual arts, media arts, visual communication and design, performing arts (music, dance and drama) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) facilities
  • a variety of general learning areas suited to large and small groups, as well as individual learning needs
  • outdoor learning spaces, including a rooftop terrace with sensory and recreational spaces
  • culturally safe spaces celebrating diversity
  • student support, wellbeing and career services
  • tiered seating area for group gatherings
  • a gallery for displaying student art and project work.

Inclusive for All

The GSSC design supports the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of all students by creating a welcoming, safe and stimulating environment.

The House and Neighbourhood model promotes a feeling of belonging, ownership and students feeling connected to their college and classmates. Throughout the school, a range of learning spaces cater for individual study, one-to-one teaching opportunities, small group collaborative spaces to larger group settings. Outdoor areas are inviting for relaxing or recreation.

Shared facilities with each Neighbourhood give every student access to high quality, modern learning environments they can be proud of. Student support, wellbeing and career services are integrated throughout these areas.