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I’m writing to update you on the situation at our school. I have been advised by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that contact tracing for the Wanganui Campus at Greater Shepparton Secondary College is ongoing and our school will remain closed.

DHHS, as the lead health agency, is continuing to identify and speak to all close contacts of the student at the Wanganui Campus of Greater Shepparton Secondary College who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). DHHS may request that some staff and students get tested at a later date when they have more information. However, at this stage staff and students do not need to seek testing unless they develop symptoms.

 Contact tracing

Contact tracing is a complex process and it is important for the safety of our school and community that it is undertaken in a thorough manner.

While DHHS conducts further investigation, all students and staff of the Wanganui Campus must remain at home. This includes limiting movements to home-based activities and not attending public places.

DHHS will work with your school to identify and notify any staff and students identified as having been in close contact with the person who has tested positive to coronavirus (COVID-19), providing further advice as required.

Any close contacts will be provided with instructions as to what they need to do to care for themselves and their families, as well as any necessary further testing.

School deep clean

The deep clean of the Wanganui Campus is continuing and will be completed prior to our school reopening.

Next steps

Our Wanganui Campus will need to remain closed until contact tracing is complete. I will provide a further update as soon as possible.

To slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), Stage 3 restrictions now apply for regional and rural Victoria and Stage 4 restrictions now apply for metropolitan Melbourne.

All schools across Victoria have returned to remote and flexible learning, for all year levels, except for specialist school students in rural and regional Victoria, for the rest of Term 3.

On-site supervision in regional Victoria is available for students whose parents/guardians cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made, vulnerable children and any child with a disability based on parent choice.

Face coverings are compulsory for all Victorians over the age of 12. The exception to this is students over the age of 12 attending primary school, who are not required to wear a face covering while at school. Further information on the use of face coverings in schools can be found on the DHHS website.

More information

I am very aware that this is a time of heightened anxiety for us all. The people best placed to answer your questions are the DET staff who are supporting us. You can contact them on the coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 338 663, 8am to 6pm, seven days a week.

For school information in your language, call TIS National on 131 450. Please ask them to call the DET coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 338 663 and they will help interpret.

For health advice in other languages visit

A number of resources can also be found on DET’s coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for parents, carers and guardians page.

I remind you to please respect the privacy of our student who tested positive to coronavirus (COVID-19) and encourage everyone to continuing supporting each other during this time.

I will continue to keep you informed as further updates become available.


Genevieve Simson

Executive Principal