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The House model is best described as a school-within-a-school, with a focus on catering for individual students.

The model has been successfully introduced to GSSC in Term 1, 2020. It works by making it easier for students to get to know one another and for teachers and support staff to build relationships with students and their families.

This model is different to school houses of the past which were used for competitions, such as sporting events. At our college, a house is a student’s home base for their entire schooling.

At GSSC students attend classes in their allocated House, to create a sense of belonging within the larger school. Students in Year 7 and 8 attend most classes with the students in their House Groups.

As students move into Year 9 and the senior years they still begin each day in their Learning Mentor group within their House, but wbegin to attend classes with students from other Houses.

The House model was implemented in 2020 across the three school campuses, where:

  • approximately 50 students from each year level were allocated to a House
  • students will begin each day in this House.

This model is designed to better support students throughout their time at the school campus, while providing students with more stability in what will be a larger school environment.

The House model also ensures a constant focus on student wellbeing, with each student's Learning Mentor ensuring consistency in their learning and engaging in regular wellbeing discussions.

All regular classes will remain with approximately 25 students.

You can also read more about the model, including how we allocate students in Houses:  pdf House Allocation Procedure (199 KB)