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Welcome to GSSC and the Languages program. Your child has the amazing opportunity in 2023 to study one of five languages; Arabic, Auslan, French, Italian or Japanese.
It has taken us a little while longer to get your child into their assigned language classes, but we are now there. Due to staff shortages, it has been necessary to arrange our language classes into form groups rather than electives.

Italian - Year 7 A, D, E, H, J, L, M
Arabic - Year 7 B, F
French - Year 7 C, I
Japanese - Year 7 K
Auslan – Year 7 G, N  (to be determined)

Please note students in Year 9 can enter Auslan, Italian or Japanese without prior knowledge.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Stacie Lundberg at the school on 5891 2000

The Greater Shepparton Secondary College Careers Team has been recognised for its outstanding career education programs and a commitment to acknowledging the importance of quality career development programs for young people.

The team took out The Maryanne Mooney Perpetual Trophy for Excellence in Careers Services at the Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) awards gala earlier this week. The awards acknowledge the contribution of seven outstanding members who have provided support and expertise to the ACCE community over the past 12 months.

GSSC Careers Manager, Natasha Boyko said the award reflects the hard work, dedication, innovation and ongoing commitment the team has to working with students to assist them achieve successful outcomes.

“Prior to the merge of our four secondary schools, the Careers Practitioners already had a culture of careers collaboration, and our current set up has built on this existing connection, taking it to the next level,” she said.

“This year, when we finally came together on our beautiful, new campus, we hit the ground running and the busy pace hasn’t stopped all year.

“I look at our amazing team and think, wow, if we can achieve what we have in one year together, what wonderful opportunities await our students in the future?”

Executive Principal, Barbara O’Brien said the team demonstrated excellence in building a strong career development culture in the school by embedding themselves within the college’s neighbourhood structure.

“Although the college is a large institution, the neighbourhood system enables the careers team to provide a personalised, small school feel for students,” she said.

“The College and its leadership team values the importance of quality careers and pathways support for students and each member of the careers team is a qualified careers practitioner, provided with right time and support to deliver an exceptional careers program that features a wide range of incursions, excursions, immersions, industry panels, information sharing opportunities and more.

Mrs O’Brien said the team delivers careers programs across all year levels and all their programs cater for the very diverse nature of our school community.

“They have a very targeted approach in all of their career programs and activities, ensuring information is suitable and relevant for the year level or particular cohort of students they are working with including First Nations, multicultural and students with additional needs.”

“At Greater Shepparton Secondary College, we say that we are greater together and that goes for our careers team who work tirelessly to developing quality relationships with all students, staff and the broader community, industry and business to ensure the very best outcomes for all of our students.

For more information about the awards, visit