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When Matilda Kelly started the school year in 2023, she wasn’t sure what her future career looked like.

She knew further study in a school-like setting wasn’t for her, so she turned her mind to a trade pathway.

“I knew I didn’t want to go to university, but I still wanted to look into something that was well paying and would bring me job security,” Matilda said.

With this in mind, Matilda undertook Year 10 work experience last year at two local businesses, Watters and Bonnett’s Electrical.

“I really loved my time with Bonnett’s and started to think an electrical trade was what I wanted to do,” Matilda said.

“So I also did some work experience later in the year with Watters, to get a different experience but also to make sure this was what I was going to set my mind to.”

Fast forward to 2024 and Matilda is now a semester in to a School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) with Bonnett’s. This program is offered through Head Start to support students to complete an apprenticeship or traineeship alongside their senior secondary education.

“It’s a great opportunity if you’re wanting to take a trade pathway because essentially, you have your first year under your belt once you complete school,” Matilda said.

Currently the Year 11 student attends her apprenticeship one day a week and already has received some great hands-on learning opportunities and experience.

“Everyone there has been really supportive, and I’ve learnt a lot already,” Matilda said.

Although a traditionally male-dominated industry, Matilda said this and being the youngest employee hasn’t discouraged her.

“Everyone has been great and they’re all encouraging and reminding me that I’ve got years across my apprenticeship to learn everything I need to know,” she said.

In addition to her part-time job at a Shepparton fast food outlet, Matilda said there were many advantages to joining the workforce early.

“I think being in the workforce you get that hands-on learning and experience that you can’t really get from studying alone,” she said.

“I’ve learnt a lot of life skills as well as the trade, such as resilience and persistence.

Matilda encouraged anyone looking into a trade to reach out to the GSSC Careers Team to discuss their options.

“I didn’t even know what an SBAT was until I reached out to Ms Boyko for some advice and she really supported me with this pathway and all of the coordination,” Matilda said.

“I think the other thing you can’t underestimate is work experience – it can really help you make your decision if you’re unsure because sometimes you don’t really know until you give it a go.”

KELLY Matilda Photo Cert3Electrotech

Please find below our 2025 student Subject Selection Guides.

The Year 7 and Year 8 curriculum has a dedicated focus on integrating Literacy and Numeracy skills within all subject areas. Students undertake the core subjects of English or English as an Additional Language (EAL), Mathematics, Science, Health/Physical Education and Languages other than English (LOTE). Electives are offered from the Arts, Technology and Music Domains.

In Year 7 students have the choice to study the LOTE subjects of Arabic, French, Italian and Japanese.

For Arts, Technology and Music subjects, the students have a rotation of electives each term.

Year 7

The Subject Information Booklet details all subjects our Year 7s undertake at GSSC: Year 7 Subject Selection Guide 2025

Year 8

 The Subject Information Booklet details all subjects our Year 8s undertake at GSSC:  Year 8 Selection Guide 2025

Year 9

GSSC students have more choices than ever on elective subjects, giving them great flexibility to explore the subject areas they are interested in. Students can choose from a range of elective offerings and will study eight elective subjects for the year. Students have the opportunity to apply to undertake a variety of extension electives: Year 9 Subject Selection Guide 2025

Year 10

Year 10 students will undertake the core subjects of English and Mathematics. For English, students will apply to undertake Practical English, General English or English as an Additional Language (EAL). For Mathematics, students will apply to undertake Numeracy, Foundation Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, or Specialist Mathematics.

Students will have the opportunity to select from a range of elective subjects and will study 8 electives over the course of the year. All electives have been designed to prepare students for a VCE, VET or VCAL pathway. Electives are offered in the subject areas of English and EAL, Arts, Technology, Music, Humanities, Science, Health, Physical Education and Languages: Year 10 Subject Selection Guide 2025

Year 11 & 12

Our senior students have access to education and training pathways best suited to their needs and to equip them as lifelong learners.

These pathways include the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM) Certificate and Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs.

The VCE will normally be completed over a minimum of two years and our students enjoy a wide choice of subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health, Physical Education, Technology and the Arts. VCE students can pursue vocational, or VET studies, as part of their program.

VET subjects are an essential part of a VCE-VM program and provide Year 11 and 12 students with pathways to further training, apprenticeships and employment.

Senior Pathway Guide 2025