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As you are all very aware we have had delays with the Bus’s during the commencement of Road Works.  We have been working closely with the Greater Shepparton City Council and each day they have made things a little better after consultation with several parties involved, then tweaking a few systems and processes, of which I am sure we are all very grateful for.    

As of Monday 21/11/2022 - 7.00am this will be the latest change and we hope this will assist with getting the Buses off the course way and meeting the connections in the morning.  Please note this is only a temporary change to assist keeping the traffic flowing. 

Traffic Update | Welsford Street – Fryers Street intersection works

On Monday 21 November from 7.00am cars and buses travelling from Mooroopna  Shepparton will be able to use the Fryers Street extension to turn left into Marungi Street. This detour is temporary.

All traffic heading from Shepparton  Mooroopna can do so from High Street only.

  IMPORTANT! Heavy vehicles and trucks cannot use Marungi Street. Please continue to use High Street.

  Do not attempt to use Marungi Street to turn onto the causeway.

  Road closures and detours are in place for safety of pedestrians and vehicles.

  Plan ahead, avoid peak hours if possible and expect delays.

Thank you all again for your continued patience and understanding.

2023 Booklists Year 7 & 8

Please find the attached Booklists for 2023 Year 7 & 8 students.  pdf Year 7 & 8 Booklist 2023 (296 KB)
*Important info regarding LOTE subjects:
Year 7 Languages/LOTE subjects are currently still being finalise, confirmation of your child’s language will be provided as soon as possible.

Year 8 students will continue to study their 2022 selected language and their text books should be retained from Year 7.

2023 Booklists Year 9

Please find the attached booklist for 2023 Year 9 students.  pdf Year 9 Booklist 2023 (291 KB)
Please note students Electives are still in the process of being finalised. Please do not order items for electives until your child receives their 2023 Subject Selections via students GSSC email account.  You will be notified via Compass when these have been emailed to your child.

2023 Booklists Year 10, 11 & 12 Students

pdf Year 10 Booklist 2023 (291 KB)

pdf Booklist Year 11 12 VCE VCAL VM VPC VET 2023 (338 KB)

Please note students 2023 Subject Selections have been emailed out to students via GSSC email accounts. Please ensure your child checks their email accounts and previews selections. Any concerns/changes to subjects should be directed to your child’s Sub School Leader. Booklists are attached below: