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As part of World Teachers’ Day on Friday 28 October 2022, we continue to celebrate our wonderful teaching and education support staff here at Greater Shepparton Secondary College.
From our Koorie Educators to our Multicultural Liaison Officers, Wellbeing staff, Neighbourhood Assistants, trainees, leadership team, IT and everyone in between – we know our school could not run without all of these hands-on deck.
At GSSC we are GREATER together.

Building a sense of community at GSSC

Many teachers will have experienced plenty of change throughout their careers and science teacher Chris Harris is no different. A global pandemic, shift to remote learning and the opening of a brand new public secondary college in Shepparton are just a few of the changes he has experienced in his three years’ teaching. “Over these years I’ve really known nothing but change,” Chris said. “But at the end of the day, one thing stays the same and that’s how we all work together to support our students and ensure they are provided a high-quality education.”

Chris, who previously taught at Shepparton High School and Wanganui Park Secondary College, said what he has enjoyed most about coming together on the new Greater Shepparton Secondary College campus is the sense of community.
“We’re all here doing something wonderful – we may be adapting to change but one thing that remains stable is that the teaching and education support staff really care about these students,” Chris said.“I love seeing teachers and students build great connections, which enables them to have their ‘go to’ person. It means they know they’ve always got someone in their corner.”

Chris said this comradery was also seen among the GSSC staff base.“There are many people here at GSSC who I look up to in a professional and personal sense and as I’m also refining my teaching practice and leadership skills, I really appreciate their mentorship and support.” This year Chris has also taken on the role of a House Support, being a key point of contact for students in the Murray house within the Biyala neighbourhood. This role provides important, individual support to students requiring extra assistance.

Chris checks in regularly with students and their teachers and works with families to bring in GSSC’s “Team Around the Learner” model to life, linking students to in-school supports and outside agencies.

Hats off to GSSC staff!

As part of World Teachers’ Day this Friday 28 October 2022, we are celebrating our wonderful teaching and education support staff here at Greater Shepparton Secondary College. From our Koorie Educators to our Multicultural Liaison Officers, Wellbeing staff, Neighbourhood Assistants, trainees, leadership team, IT and everyone in between – we know our school could not run without all of these hands-on deck. At GSSC we are GREATER together!

For more information visit:

Each day this week we will focus on a different team to showcase their role and how they support our students. Today we are introducing Tahlia and the role of Koorie Educator.

Helping Koorie students through every step of their journey

When Tahlia Cooper graduated from Wanganui Park Secondary College in 2018, she was one of just three Indigenous students to finish year 12.

Fast forward to today, Tahlia works as a Koorie Educator at Greater Shepparton Secondary College where she has the privilege of seeing 35 Indigenous students complete their VCE studies during 2021 and 2022.

Tahlia, who works closely with GSSC’s senior First Nations cohort, said seeing the students succeed and grow as learners and mentors for the younger students is such a rewarding part of her role.

“I started in an education support traineeship at Shepp High after I finished high school, so many of the students at GSSC I have worked with since they started in Year 7,” she said.

“Working with the students right through means I’ve been able to build really good connections with them and being in a smaller community like this also means many of the kids stay in touch after school, so you get to see them achieving their goals and doing really well as adults too.”

Tahlia works in one of seven positions established at GSSC as part of the Ngarri Ngarri (Teaching Knowledge) Team, with a focus on connecting with students, their families and community and providing a means of cultural support and advocacy.

This includes support both in and out of the classroom and for GSSC staff to strengthen their knowledge and awareness of First Nations culture and history and play an integral role in ensuring it is celebrated and acknowledged at GSSC.

“When I was at school, I never had a Koorie Educator or anyone in that type of role that I could relate to. So it means a lot that I can be that person for our First Nations students, whether that’s just allowing them a space to talk through something or reset, or help in the classroom or attending a game of sport and keeping up with what they’ve got going on outside of their learning,” Tahlia said.

“I want them to know that I’m always here for them”


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