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Year 10 parents and students

Reminder: Year 10 Parent Information Session
Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Selection 6.30 - 7.30pm, Wednesday 13 July at GSSC
Receive key information about the subject selection process including required student and parent/guardian attendance at course counselling and the new VCE Vocational Major commencing in 2023 (replacing VCAL).

Year 10 students received subject selection packs in Pathways Mentor or Home Group this week. Students are encouraged to start reviewing subjects offered and begin planning their pathway and subject choices over the break in readiness for course counselling early next term.

Year 9 parents and students

Reminder: Year 9 Parent Information Session 
Year 9 into Year 10 Subject Selection 6.30 - 7.30pm, Tuesday 12 July at GSSC

Receive key information about the Year 9 into Year 10 subject selection process. Year 9 students will receive their pathways pack early in Term Three in preparation for this.

Year 7 and Year 8 parents and students : 2023 Year 8 and Year 9 Subject Selection
The subject selection process for Year 7 and Year 8 students will occur in Term Three. Students will receive subject guides from their Social and Emotional teacher early in Term Three about subjects available for selection. Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss these choices with their child. Students’ final selection will be made om Thursday 21 July. Additional information will be provided next term.

Dear Parents, Carers and Students of GSSC,

In writing this mid-year message to you, I am reminded of my thoughts at the end of Term 1. That first week of April marked the historic completion of our very first term, in our very new Greater Shepparton Secondary College, at our brand-new home at Hawdon St. It was an epic moment in the delivery of secondary education in Greater Shepparton as we welcomed you to the first new high school built in our city in more than 50 years. Back then, I conveyed to you how staff and students had settled into their new Houses and Neighbourhoods, how quickly they had adapted to their surroundings and how impressed they were of their 21st-Century contemporary learning spaces and opportunities.

Three months on, I am pleased to report how our collective appreciation of this new school, its facilities, “small school” feel and promise to improve educational outcomes remains stronger than ever. We are now realising the full potential of our new college and adapting the flexibility of its modern learning spaces to best suit the needs of our staff and students. Despite delays due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are confident most families have toured and are now familiar with our campus. (For families who have yet to visit, allow me to extend an invitation for Term 3 tours. We expect you will be as amazed as everyone else who sets foot on our campus!)

Term 2 has delivered some “above and beyond” moments for our students. Deb Balls and school excursions are a welcome return, following Coronavirus restrictions. We have also been able to elevate learning with some amazing partnerships – the ABC and Triple J Takeover initiatives literally delivered red-carpet and life-changing experiences. Our student leadership group has developed into an incredible set of college ambassadors, and we appreciate the community and industry support for GSSC as we work to make a real difference in the education pathways, academic outcomes and life opportunities available to our students. Having so much stakeholder support for our school is incredibly gratifying. I would wish this mid-term letter to also convey my thanks to our school community for their continuing patience, perspective and understanding in our successful coming-together at Hawdon St.

Like any major development, particularly a new build in excess of $130 million, there have been minor defects and building issues to address. Let me assure you these have no impact on the delivery of education at GSSC – indeed they are minor compared to the maintenance issues dealt with daily at our old high schools! A general shortage of teaching staff and casual relief teachers continues to impact at GSSC, as it does across Victorian schools and the entire country. We have avoided remote learning for selected days and year levels in Term 2 and we are innovative in our work to attract staff – our incredible campus is a major drawcard and there are increasing government incentives to attract teachers to regional areas.

As Executive Principal of GSSC, it has been my absolute privilege to see our staff and students lead us to excel in 2022. We are a great school with great opportunity.
Please enjoy a safe and happy term break and we look forward to welcoming you back in Term 3.

Barbara O’Brien
Executive Principal