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Dear families,

Welcome to the 2025 school year. I hope you had a happy Christmas and New Year and managed to take some time over the break to relax and recharge.

As I reflect on the new school year, I look back to 2020 when GSSC was formed and can see how far we have come in building a vibrant and positive school culture. Together, we’ve forged ‘the GSSC way’ and heading into our fourth year on the Hawdon St campus, I look forward to continuing on this path and moving from strength to strength.

A few reminders before school resumes next week:

  • Year 12s and fast-tracking students start back on Wednesday, 29 January.
  • Year 7 Conferences will also be held on Wednesday, 29 January. This provides an opportunity for Year 7 students and their parent/guardians to have a short meeting with their Home Group teacher, be shown their locker, receive their timetable and ask any questions before school begins. Bookings for conferences can be made through Compass.
  • All students return on Thursday, 30 January.

The school day begins at 8.50am each day, with Home Group and this is where Home Group teachers will provide important updates and information for the day and week ahead. It is essential all students attend Home Group each day, as well as all classes. Attending school every day is giving our young people every opportunity to succeed and maintain strong relationships. 

A reminder that our device policy requires students to leave mobile phones and other devices at home, or securely in their locker from the start of the school day, until the end of the school day at 3.10pm. This ensures our classrooms are distraction free, and students are making the most of their opportunities to learn and connect with each other.

We are extremely proud of our College and we hope you will have the same pride by wearing your full school uniform every day and coming to school ready to learn.

Let’s start the year off on a great note.

Barbara O’Brien
Executive Principal

Key Dates and Events
  • Wednesday 29 January – Year 7 Conferences and Year 12s return and Year 11 Fast trackers
  • Thursday 30 January – All students return to school
  • Monday 3 February – Year 12 Immersion Day
  • Thursday 6 February – Year 7 Big Day Out (Biyala)
  • Friday 7 February – School photo day
  • Wednesday 12 February – Student Leaders induction day
  • Thursday 13 February – Year 7 Big Day Out (Dharnya)
  • Friday 14 February - GSSC Swimming Sports
  • Thursday 20 February – Investiture Assembly
  • Friday 21 February – Year 7 Big Day Out (Bayuna)
  • Friday 28 February – GMDSSV Swimming Championships
  • Wednesday 5 March – Campfire Conversations
  • Thursday 6 March – GSSC Welcome Expo
  • Friday 7 March – GMDSSV Senior Summer Sports Day
  • Monday 10 March – Labour Day Public Holiday
  • Wednesday 12-24 March – NAPLAN
  • Friday 14 March – Hume Region Swimming Championships
  • Friday 28 March – GSSC Presentation Ball #1
  • Monday 31 March – GSSC Cross Country
  • Friday 4 April – Harmony Day concert

GSSC would like to congratulate Year 12 student, Matthew Hanns, who has been named 2024 GSSC dux.

This is a huge achievement for Matthew, being his second year named as dux, having undertaken a three-year VCE pathway.

Matthew’s ATAR of 98.1 is a reflection of the hard work, dedication and commitment Matthew has shown towards his studies and goal to build himself a career in the science research or engineering field.

Currently, Matthew is in Italy as part of the GSSC LOTE trip.

Matthew’s mother, Katie Clavarino said while the family was extremely proud of Matthew’s score, they are more proud of how Matthew has carried himself throughout his senior secondary years, working to achieve his personal best, and making the most of every opportunity.

“Matthew has really put in the effort, he has worked hard and we have just been here to support him,” Katie said.

“He has also been well supported by the staff, even those teachers he had in previous years, including Mr Harris and Ms Beattie, he reached out to for support, and the career team - in particular Mr Bristol. Everyone has been amazing.

“He’s had so many great opportunities, such as taking part in the Monash Mentoring program and Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars program and this year he’s also been able to undertake a first-year uni subject through Latrobe, studying Human Biosciences, which he’s really enjoyed.

“Although Matthew should be proud of his achievements, as I know we are, it’s not always about the score – it’s also important to strive for your personal best and make the most of the opportunities along the way to learn more and challenge yourself,” Katie said.

In addition to his university subject, Matthew has studied Applied Computing Software Development, English Language, and Chemistry.

Last year Matthew studied Philosophy, Physics, Specialist Mathematics and Literature and in 2022, he fast-tracked Mathematics Methods and Biology.

Next year, Matthew is hoping to attend Monash University or the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, undertaking a degree in Science Research, or Engineering.

GSSC Executive Principal, Barbara O’Brien, congratulated Matthew on his outstanding achievements, both this year and over the course of his secondary schooling.

“We could not be more proud of this young man and we feel honoured to have been part of his journey,” she said.

“Dux twice is a unique achievement, but it is reflective of the work Matthew has put in and the persistence he has shown, to continually improve and reach his goals.

“We are proud to call Matthew a GSSC student, and now GSSC alumni. He represents everything we stand for here at the College – a creative, curious and caring learner who is actively contributing to making a better world.

“We cannot wait to see what is next for Matthew and we wish him all the best for your future studies and career.”