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To the Greater Shepparton Secondary College community,

I hope all our families are remaining safe and well.

As you are aware, Shepparton continues to be impacted by flood waters.

This will continue to present significant challenges for our area and surroundings, especially with respect to students and staff getting to and from school safely.

On SES advice, the Department of Education and Training has confirmed that the school is to close tomorrow Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October. Onsite supervision will not be available.

This decision has been taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our staff and students.

The College will however be open for Year 12 students only. Any Year 12 student who would like to undertake private study at school is welcome to come into the College tomorrow Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October. Please report to the main office when you arrive.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Kind regards,
Barbara O’Brien

Executive Principal

The following is for all Year 11 fast tracking VCE students and all Year 12 students.

VCAL students

VCAL students are able to be given credits for those parts of their subjects they may not have been signed off on. We will be asking your teachers to give an indication of whether you would have finished the work if the floods had not happened.

VET students

Students doing a VET are also able to be given credits for those parts of their VET course they may not have been signed off on. As with VCAL subjects, we will be asking your teacher to give an indication of whether you would have finished the work if the floods had not happened. This will also be for students doing their VET at GSSC and GOTAFE.

VCE Students

The current floods have come at a critical time for all of you who are completing VCE Unit 3 and 4 (Year 12) and are sitting exams over the coming weeks. We understand many, if not all, of you will be anxious and stressed by the floods that have created yet another disruption to your lives.

We are putting together information which we will use to support you so that you can do your best. Please complete the following table available on Compass. 

We will also be trying to contact you by telephone or Teams over the next couple of days to help you fill in the information.

We also understand these floods come on top of the impact of COVID-19 on your life, learning and school over the past three years. We will be asking the impact of both the floods and COVID-19 be considered with your assessments.

You may have heard the Premier of Victoria refer to a bulk Derived Exam Score for students directly impacted by the floods. We will have more clarity about how that process will work by tomorrow (Wednesday).

Please take the opportunity to ask for help.