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To the Greater Shepparton Secondary College community,

I hope you are all safe during this really difficult time.
As you are aware, Shepparton is currently under significant risk of flooding due to the severe rain.
This will continue to present significant challenges for our area and surroundings, especially with respect to students and staff getting to and from school safely.
On SES advice, the Department of Education and Training has confirmed that the school is to close today, Monday 17 October. Onsite supervision will not be available.
This decision has been taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our staff and students.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Kind regards,

Barbara O’Brien
Executive Principal

We hope our GSSC families are staying safe and keeping up-to-date with the latest warnings and advice on the local flood situation.

SES provides flood information in multiple languages, with some translated into audio versions at the bottom of the page.

For more info or assistance:

Depending on the situation over the weekend, we will update families via Compass on Sunday afternoon regarding any details for students and any special events happening next week.

Barbara O’Brien

Executive Principal