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2025 House Captains web 1

We’re thrilled to announce our 2025 House Captains, as voted by their peers. Here’s a snippet at what our House Captains had to say, as part of their nomination…

Murray House 


I've been in my house since I was in Year 7 and I feel like I have a pretty good relationship with most of the students. I come to homeroom every morning and contribute in discussions.

I want to help Murray to win the athletic days and try to get everyone participating in sports days and extra-curriculars and things that can help our house improve.

I believe I demonstrate the school values by coming to school every day, being on time to all my classes and keeping up with my studies.


I’m a kind and caring person, whoever approaches me, I’ll listen to them with an open mind. My previous leadership experience includes on the Student Representative Council at GOTAFE.

I always aspire to achieve my best in everything that I do, including all of my classes. I believe I display our school value of respect by treating others the way I would like to be treated. I take responsibility for my actions and show integrity by acting with honesty and genuine intentions.

I will always do my best to support fellow students and encourage them to be their best selves.

Ovens House


I enjoy supporting students, particularly those new to the school. I always try to help my peers, younger students as well as teachers. Even if it’s something as small as carrying the laptops back to the library after class. I also demonstrate initiative and hard work outside of school at my part-time job.

Being a child of Albanian immigrant parents allows me to understand and empathise with the struggles of many students who have to get used to a new environment, a new language and new peers. I believe my experience in this area makes me well suited to support many of our students.

I hope to do my part in amplifying student voice and in creating a welcoming environment for all of you.


I’m passionate about creating an environment where everyone feels valued, included and motivated to reach their full potential.

Leadership is something I’ve always embraced, even without a formal title. In group projects or school activities I naturally step up to make sure we’re moving forward. Leadership to me isn’t about giving directions, it’s about listening to each other, respecting everyone’s ideas and finding ways to bring out the best in each other.

I truly believe in the power of community. When we come together to support each other whether it’s in sports, school events or just daily interactions, we are building a space where everyone can thrive.

Lachlan House


My time at Greater Shepparton Secondary College has taught me that with hard work and team work, you can achieve great things.

Since Year 7, I have jumped at every chance to contribute to our school community, where I picked up some important leadership skills like communication, responsibility and time management.

I believe that communication is key for great leadership. Whether I’m presenting to the class or chatting with some friends, I enjoy sharing ideas and addressing important issues.

Being a positive role model is really important to me. I’m all about getting involved in school events from athletics, Home Group activities, dress-up days and academic programs.

As House Captain, I want to inspire my peers to jump in and aim for success.


Throughout my time at GSSC I have witnessed first hand what it takes to be in a leadership role. I have seen the past House and College Captains demonstrate their abilities through the people they have met and engaged with.

I believe that I also possess the ability to properly communicate with others, the way that they did. I have demonstrated this by making sure that I actively talk to others, not only in class but also outside in the courtyard and even outside of school.

I try to make sure our environment is inclusive of everyone. I will always strive towards the wellbeing of other students in my class. I will always aim for an open discussion in little groups to get everyone involved and I will try to get new students more accustomed to their environment by making sure that they have friends to hang out with or at least have someone to talk to.

Kiewa House


A little bit about me to get you familiar - I play soccer for Shepp South, I enjoy listening to music and hanging out with friends, and I'm of Macedonian descent. But, I don't mention these things for any reason. My experience in sport has helped me develop my teamwork and communication skills, as well as provide me the base for my desire to be a leader.

My teammates have taught me the value of respect and positivity throughout my years of playing and helped me believe I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. I want to integrate these qualities into my role as House Captain.

I'm consistent with my studies, always aiming to achieve high marks and committed to doing my best, but I'm happy to take a step back and help anyone who needs it so we can achieve things together. My ethnic background has given me a sense of community and has opened my eyes to learning about people who come from all different cultures, religions and other walks of life, and if given the chance, I hope to give everyone the platform to share their stories.

Ellie M

Although I have never held a formal leadership position, I always take initiative in group projects to ensure everybody's voice is heard. I have embraced each opportunity that comes along to lead, to support and guide my peers in everything from organising study sessions to leading team activities, and I am ready to take on even more responsibility.

I believe in leading by example and my attitude and hard work reflects our house.

I'd be very happy if this motivates everyone in the house to be as enthusiastic towards their passions.

Communication is my lifeblood. I've been connected with people and enjoy any given opportunity to share ideas and celebrate our achievements together. I believe that the best results come from collaboration and I blossom in every aspect of teamwork because I know it can strengthen different perspectives.

Campaspe House


I personally believe that I've always shown strong leadership skills within the neighbourhood prior to this nomination, as I'm always doing the right thing by attending classes every day and having strong and confident communication skills.

I've consistently demonstrated a willingness to contribute to and participate in neighbourhood and college activities, such as the athletics days, swimming sports, summer and winter sports, as well as this year's 2024 House netball competition. I've also consistently demonstrated a commitment to the welfare and wellbeing of students as I'm always making sure my friends are okay, as well as caring for other students.

I have effective communication skills and a willingness to perform public speaking as required and, I've demonstrated that I can work as a team member as I thrive off working with others, and love hearing others ideas and thoughts.


I've always shown leadership skills in the neighbourhood and college prior to this nomination by taking part in all of my classes and making sure I'm on time with the right attitude to work.

I've consistently participated in neighbourhood and college activities by attending days such as athletic and swimming carnivals, supporting my house, and summer and winter sports supporting the great place of Greater Shepparton Secondary College. As well as this year, netball competition where Campaspe came out on top.

I've consistently demonstrated a commitment to the welfare and wellbeing of other students throughout the college by greeting them every morning and checking on them., as well as demonstrating a commitment to my studies.

Goulburn House


For the past few years here at GSSC, I've learned how to show leadership in and outside of school while representing the College with pride in a lot of our school tournaments. I believe that leadership is not just about holding a title and having the name as House Captain.

It's more about having to inspire others, showing our school values, demonstrating positive values to make our school a better community for more students to come. If I were elected as your house captain, I will prioritise integrity, respect and responsibility. I will show my communication skills and speak for the people in my house.

One of my main goals is to be honest and fair to everyone while respecting and valuing each person's contributions, no matter what. These values are the foundation of a strong team.


I believe my actions, behaviours, and core beliefs support the qualities needed for this role. I have consistently demonstrated leadership within both the neighbourhood and college through my behaviour in and out of the classroom.

In the classroom, I always show respect to my teachers and my peers by contributing to class discussions and trying my best on my classwork, and I'm always happy to help others if they are having trouble with their work. Out of the classroom, I always try and display a positive attitude to spread joy around the yard.

I am serious about my studies as I know how important they are for my future. By doing this, I am setting an example for all students as I bring all the required equipment to class and take all my sacks and exams seriously.

Loddon House


We all know that GSSC has so much to offer. Through VCE show nights, the athletics carnival, and the sports carnival. I always strive to show up and be there for my peers and my teachers to show support in any way that I can.

I'm an amazing team member and my public speaking skills are on point, which means I'll be able to deliver the best assemblies possible. Much like many VCE students, coming into VCE is scary, which is why I created a study plan and I stay dedicated to my studies, utilising the booths and teachers for support.

From being a 2024 Values Leader this year, I learned how to be the best role model that I possibly can be. From showing up to class on time, to wearing my uniform the best way that I possibly can, I am ready to be a role model for others to look up to and aspire to.


I believe in creating a school environment where we all feel supported, motivated, and accepted. That's what I’d love to bring to our college. As a college values leader this year, I've been able to work with both students and teachers to make our school a better place for everyone.

From representing our school values to helping organise events. I'm here to make sure everyone feels both included and heard.

Being a part of our school spirit is really important to me, and I'll always be there to support our house.

I keep my studies a top priority because I know how important it is to stay on track. Balancing school and leadership has taught me how to stay organised and focused. To me, being a positive role model is bringing out the best in everyone. I'm confident with public speaking and communicating with students and teachers.

Murrumbidgee House


As a student, I've participated in numerous events, such as the school athletics and the winter sports representing the school. I think these are important for students for improving social skills, fitness, and building sense of community.

Communication is another crucial part of leadership, and I'm determined to become a role model for my peers, and eager to engage in public speaking and dialogue as a captain. I want to be the bridge between students and the school administration, ensuring that your thoughts and concerns are not only heard, but acted upon.

I am excited about the possibility of leading assemblies and organising discussions where we can share ideas and solutions together. Being a House Captain will not only allow me to contribute to the house's success, but also help me learn and grow as a leader and a friend. Finally, teamwork is at the core of what I believe makes our neighborhood and college special.


Talofa Lava. My name is Merina and I am a proud Samoan woman.

I enjoy school activities such as athletics, winter and summer sports, and Harmony Day. In my spare time, I dedicate myself to advocating for youth, as well as mental health and wellbeing, and trying to be able to normalise the issues that we face. As well as volunteering for Point of Difference for their Know Your Roots program.

Becoming a leader doesn't only represent me, but our school, my community and family. It not only allows me to encourage myself to push beyond what I can accomplish, but it also encourages others to push themselves. I have two goals. Strong communication skills, commitment and self-confidence.

Warrego House

Ellie A

I've been a proud student of GSSC since the beginning, and I've seen the growth we have accomplished as a school. Being a student at Warrego House has been amazing, which is why I'd love to carry out the rest of my schooling as a House Captain.

I demonstrate school values by coming to school in full uniform and on time every day, while keeping up with my schoolwork. I'm very passionate about sports, which is why, during my school years at GSSC, I have participated in many school-based activities, such as swimming sports, athletics days, and winter sports.

I've also volunteered to support primary schools in carrying out their Athletics Days and I'm always encouraging my house and friends to join in and participate. As a Warrego House Leader, one of my priorities will be focusing on the welfare and wellbeing of students.


I've shown my commitment to leadership within the College through my encouragement of all of Warrego students to participate at Sports and Swim Carnival Days, guiding new Year 7 students through their orientation days, and supporting my peers at events.

I'm always willing to step up and help everyone, as I believe leadership is about action and support, not just a title. Beyond that, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact in our school community. I contribute to college activities, help out at sports events and volunteer at events such as the Verney Road Deb Ball.

As I believe everyone should feel welcome to participate, I'm always there to encourage others to get involved. Supporting the wellbeing of my peers is a priority for me, as I make it a point to check in on my classmates because I know how much a simple act of kindness can mean. We all face challenges and I want to create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Dear Year 10 Families,

The Year 10 Formal will be held Friday, 15th November from 6:30pm-10:00pm in the Gymnasium. 
The tickets for the Year 10 Formal ware now available for purchase for $30 per person.

To purchase a ticket, students must collect a permission form from their House reception. The form needs to be completed and signed by a parent or guardian, and returned to the Main Office when purchasing the ticket.

Please note that tickets will be on sale until Friday, 8th November.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kasey Moseley.
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Year 10 formal