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Most Victorian students will be educated from home when Term 2 starts next week to ensure the physical distancing will help slow the spread of coronavirus, with free internet access and laptops for those students who need it most.

Premier Daniel Andrews joined Minister for the Coordination of Education and Training – COVID-19, James Merlino to announce that following advice from the Chief Health Officer all Victorian government primary, secondary and special schools will move to remote and flexible learning and teaching .

Read the full statement

In the event of a delayed start to Term 2, GSSC is providing school laptops on loan to students who do not have access, or have strictly limited access, to a home computer. Parents and carers are encouraged to register their interest on our student management system, Compass.

The Compass home page has a link to some simple terms and conditions for students to borrow a laptop until the resumption of normal school routines. With remote learning for most students a possibility from the commencement of Term 2, we encourage parents and carers to register their interest now on Compass.

To manage social distancing and stay-at-home health measures, GSSC staff will deliver laptops to student homes. While GSSC has a large number of laptops available for loan, preference may need to be given to higher year levels in the unlikely event demand is greater than supply. Please note: the offer of a laptop on loan is to support students with a genuine need and not for convenience purposes.

If you encounter any difficulty logging in or using the Compass program, our Compass Helpline will be available from 9am to 3pm, 6-9 April on 03 5858 9882. Parents and carers can also register their interest in borrowing a laptop on this helpline.