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School’s back!

We thank our parents, carers and especially our students for your efforts over the last three days.

Our return to remote and flexible learning this week was as unwelcome as it was sudden, however our school community responded with care, understanding and hard work.

We look forward to seeing our students back in the classroom tomorrow, 18 February.

The contribution of Greater Shepparton Secondary College was part of a statewide commitment to keeping us all safe.

Please see this morning’s folder statement from the Premier acknowledging our collective effort.

Thanks again,

Acting Executive Principal Barbara O’Brien

Students are required to learn from home for Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th February 2021

All students who have access to Compass and Teams need to complete work posted by their teachers.

Below are links for suggested work for students who don’t have access to Compass or Teams.

  pdf Years 7-10 English Activities Sheet (78 KB)

  pdf Years 7-10 Maths Activities Sheet (198 KB)