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Statement From The Premier

22nd Mar 2020

I will inform National Cabinet tonight that Victoria will proceed over the next 48 hours to implement a shutdown of all non-essential activity across our state to combat the spread of Coronavirus.

This is not something that we do lightly, but it’s clear that if we don’t take this step, more Victorians will contract coronavirus, our hospitals will be overwhelmed and more Victorians will die.

Victorians will still be able to go to the supermarket, the bank, the pharmacy and other essential stores, like petrol stations and convenience stores. Freight, logisitics and home delivery are also considered essential and will remain open.

I will also inform National Cabinet that school holidays will be brought forward in Victoria, starting on Tuesday 24 March.

All measures to be implemented by Victoria are consistent with the health advice provided by the Victorian Chief Health Officer.

The decision whether to re-open schools after the Term 1 holidays will likewise be determined following advice from the Chief Health Officer.

I will have more to say on these measures tomorrow morning.

The Hon. Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria

Your latest edition of the GSSC newsletter is now availalbe. In this edition you will find important information on teaching, wellbeing, a guide to our Learning Mentors across all campuses and more.

You'll also find great photos from recent excursions (before they were unfortunately postponed) like our Outdoor Education students at Wilsons Prom.