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The Greater Shepparton Secondary College Careers Team has been recognised for its outstanding career education programs and a commitment to acknowledging the importance of quality career development programs for young people.

The team took out The Maryanne Mooney Perpetual Trophy for Excellence in Careers Services at the Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) awards gala earlier this week. The awards acknowledge the contribution of seven outstanding members who have provided support and expertise to the ACCE community over the past 12 months.

GSSC Careers Manager, Natasha Boyko said the award reflects the hard work, dedication, innovation and ongoing commitment the team has to working with students to assist them achieve successful outcomes.

“Prior to the merge of our four secondary schools, the Careers Practitioners already had a culture of careers collaboration, and our current set up has built on this existing connection, taking it to the next level,” she said.

“This year, when we finally came together on our beautiful, new campus, we hit the ground running and the busy pace hasn’t stopped all year.

“I look at our amazing team and think, wow, if we can achieve what we have in one year together, what wonderful opportunities await our students in the future?”

Executive Principal, Barbara O’Brien said the team demonstrated excellence in building a strong career development culture in the school by embedding themselves within the college’s neighbourhood structure.

“Although the college is a large institution, the neighbourhood system enables the careers team to provide a personalised, small school feel for students,” she said.

“The College and its leadership team values the importance of quality careers and pathways support for students and each member of the careers team is a qualified careers practitioner, provided with right time and support to deliver an exceptional careers program that features a wide range of incursions, excursions, immersions, industry panels, information sharing opportunities and more.

Mrs O’Brien said the team delivers careers programs across all year levels and all their programs cater for the very diverse nature of our school community.

“They have a very targeted approach in all of their career programs and activities, ensuring information is suitable and relevant for the year level or particular cohort of students they are working with including First Nations, multicultural and students with additional needs.”

“At Greater Shepparton Secondary College, we say that we are greater together and that goes for our careers team who work tirelessly to developing quality relationships with all students, staff and the broader community, industry and business to ensure the very best outcomes for all of our students.

For more information about the awards, visit

pdf Media release GSSC VCE results 12122022 (127 KB)

Year 12 students do GSSC proud
Congratulations to our Greater Shepparton Secondary College Year 12 students who have received their VCE results today.
Among this group, includes our 2022 dux Isabela Bace who received the congratulatory phone call from Executive Principal Barbara O’Brien earlier today.

Isabela got up early to check her results before starting a shift at her casual job.“I woke the whole house up – I was so excited to tell mum and dad my scores,” she said.
Isabela said that while she had hoped to receive good results, she was not expecting to be dux. “Dux is amazing – I was so emotional when Mrs O’Brien rang me,” she said.
“I think I’m still processing it to be honest, but mum and dad were proud and I’m so happy to be able to set a great example for my younger brother and cousins.”

Isabela is looking to study Law and Commerce with Deakin University from next year and said she was hoping to be able to undertake her course online, to stay locally with family. She said coming from an Albanian background, her connection to family and the region was important. This year Isabela has undertaken subjects in English, Math Methods, Business Management and Accounting, as well as Italian meaning she can now speak three languages. Isabella fast-tracked Legal Studies in 2021. Mrs O’Brien said Isabela was an exemplary student who has reaped the rewards of her hard work and dedication.

“Isabela has really lived and breathed our college value of aspiring to excellence in all that she does and our ethos of setting high expectations and challenging ourselves to achieve our personal best,” she said.
“Not only has Isabela applied herself academically but she has proven to be a wonderful role model for her peers and our younger students.”

Mrs O’Brien said that while a high ATAR or study score is the goal for some students, it is also not the only measure of success. “Some students need a particular score to allow entry into their preferred university or course,” she said. “But for others, completing their secondary schooling to secure employment, whether that be in the way of an apprenticeship, traineeship or otherwise or to enter into further vocational studies is the goal.
“When we set our students a mission to challenge themselves to achieve their personal best, we mean just that – it’s personal to each individual student and achieving your goals looks different to each and every one of us.”

While our graduating class of 2022 has undertaken much of their schooling remotely or during COVID-19 conditions, Mrs O’Brien said the students were further tested when floods hit the Goulburn Valley region during the start of exam periods in October.“Fortunately, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) were able to support local students affected by floods by offering a Derived Exam Score, calculated using data from the General Achievement Test, student performance in school assessed tasks and coursework and teacher indicative grades,” Mrs O’Brien said. “However, it goes without saying, despite the challenges our students have faced, they never lost site of the end goal and they put in 100 per cent – these results are a credit to themselves.

“I would also like to thank our wonderful teachers and wellbeing and education support staff who have provided a range of support to Year 12 students over the course of the year.”

Mrs O’Brien said that while students should be extremely proud of their efforts, it is natural there may be some students who feel disappointed with their results. She said the GSSC Careers Team would be available for Year 12 students today, tomorrow and Wednesday to discuss any Change of Preference, as well as their pathways for 2023 and beyond. Additional support can also be provided by LaTrobe University, GoTAFE and Melbourne University.
“We are here to support you every step of the way,” she said. “It is the age-old adage that as one door closes, another opens but it really does apply when it comes to career pathways.

“Results aside, I would just like to congratulate all of our Year 12 students for a wonderful year on-site at our brand-new campus.
“You have done us proud, yourselves proud and certainly your families and our broader school community.”

For more information about VCE results and ATARs please visit:

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Media enquiries: GSSC Community Engagement Officer Kayla Doncon on 0404 973 841 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.