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What a year 2020 for our school and our community! We’ve celebrated the year with many “firsts” as Greater Shepparton Secondary College officially came to be with new curriculum, a new uniform, new subjects and new wellbeing and school structure initiatives that places students at the centre of all that we do.

At the same time, we watched with growing excitement and anticipation as our new college facilities have taken shape on Hawdon St for a 2022 opening.

The year also delivered many challenges with the demands of remote learning impacting on  us all. You can review the year that was for our students, staff and school community in more than 100 online pages featured in our 2020 Year Book. Enjoy, re-live and reminisce!

Laptop Year 7

Incoming Year 7 students to Greater Shepparton Secondary College will receive an early Christmas present.

The College has determined it has the capacity to issue every Year 7 student with a new laptop on commencement of the 2021 school year.

Acting Executive Principal Barbara O'Brien has written a pdf letter (394 KB)  to Year 7 families advising them of the good news.